Install an operating system On the mind of a child Locked down like a psychic firewall Deprogram the wild Wipe out the natural tendencies Mute individual style Delete the sense of significance Conform single file Pavlov's dogs on the way to the classroom To learn the truth analyze what you see Accept the evidence presented before you (x2) Just realize The crimes of the state from K through twelfth grade They're taught to obey Contaminated mindware (x4) Restrict and condemn thought autonomy Play along to do well Plugged in to the prison environment Emptied of rationale Recite what they're taught to memorize Move on to the next cell Serve out the twelve year sentences The compulsory bell Pavlov's dogs on the way to the classroom To learn the truth analyze what you see Accept the evidence presented before you (x2) Just realize The crimes of the state from K through twelfth grade They're taught to obey Contaminated mindware (x4) The crimes of the state! From K through twelfth grade! They're taught to obey! The crimes of the state! From K through twelfth grade! They're taught to obey! The crimes of the state! They're taught to obey! Contaminated mindware!