It's time To ask why It's time Open your eyes It's time To shed the lies It's time Wake up and begin to realize We have been enslaved for all our lives We're the next ones they will demonize (That they will demonize!) (That they will demonize!) They claim authority to end our life We're on private property Can't you leave us be? We're not harming anyone Should we not go free? You'll obey authority You will get down on your knees Forcibly extract the fee We will do just as we please We no longer wish to pay For your murder spree We all have a choice Respect our liberty We are the authority There is no immunity We create the system Don't you dare disagree! Prepare yourself to do what must be done You can't stop an idea whose time has come When asked how can humanity be saved (To save humanity!) (To save humanity!) The answer's right within this simple phrase No! I won't comply No! I won't comply No! I won't comply No! I won't comply It's time To ask why It's time Open your eyes It's time To shed the lies It's time Live free or die WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!